The Platte Valley Band is comprised of fun loving volunteer musicians from every age range. The band has been in
existence for approximately the last 20 years. The band plays for the "pure fun and enjoyment of its members and their
audience." The band plays a wide variety of music. Members from the Morgan County Colorado and surrounding areas
meet each Tuesday at 6:00pm at the Senior Citizens Center at Sherman Street and Railroad Avenue in Ft. Morgan to
practice, and the band puts on many different concerts throught the year. The band is not for profit, 501(c)3, and graciously
accepts donations for the upkeep and purchase of music, supplies, and instruments. Any donations and support are greatly
appreciated and Tax Deductable. The band extends a special thanks to the CIty of Fort Morgan for the
use of the Senior Center each week for practice, as well as the United Methodist Church for hosting our yearly concerts.
Our Mission
Our goal is to have fun, and to share the God given talents and musical abilities of our group with others. "It is more
blessed to give, than to receive"
If you would like our band to play for your event, please contact us at the email or phone numbers at the bottom of this
page. We will do our best to try to play for your event if possible.
The group is comprised of any volunteers who would like to play in the band. The band is smaller, and ranges at around
50 or so members at the current time. No Matter what you play, dust off your instrument, and come play with us!!! Members
only need to purchase their own shirts for the band.
We are currently short of Baritone, Clarinet, Flute, French Horn, Sax, and Percussion Players!!!


Organization News
2009 Scheduled Performances
Saturday, March 14th, 1030am-1100am
Fort Morgan Elks
400 State Street
Fort Morgan
Saturday, March 21 from 12:30 to 1:00
Morgan County REA Annual Meeting
Fort Morgan High School
710 E. Riverview Ave Fort Morgan
Spring Concert
Sunday, April 19th 700pm
United Methodist Church Fort Morgan
117 E Bijou Avenue
Saturday, May 9th 900am
MCC Graduation
Morgan Community College
Tentative ?? Friday, May 22nd 1200pm
Fort Morgan State Bank
Robert and Patricia
Helstrom Fundraiser
Friday, July 17th, 2009
Fort Morgan Senior Center
Saturday, October 3rd, 2009
Veteran's Day
City Park Fort Morgan
Time - TBA
Christmas Concert - TBA
Life Fellowship Church
Barlow Road and E 8th Avenue
Fort Morgan, CO